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Restoration of Infrastructure Damage due to Extreme Weather Phenomena in Pyrgos Municipality

Writer's picture: AkconAkcon

Updated: Feb 3, 2024

Regarding the project titled "Restoration of Infrastructure Damages Caused by Extreme Weather Phenomena in the Municipality of Pyrgos," from September 6th to 8th, 2016, the Municipality of Pyrgos once again suffered a blow to its infrastructure due to the occurrence of severe weather phenomena. Both infrastructure projects and the entire road network were destructively affected, with immediate consequences not only on the local economy but also on the community. In November 2019, the Municipality of Pyrgos was once again hit by extreme weather phenomena, further worsening the condition of the already "damaged" infrastructure. The urban road network within the city of Pyrgos was constructed using the water-bound macadam method (Mac-Adam method) and dates back to the '80s and earlier.

A small part (the remainder) of the urban network was built using the flexible closed-type pavement method, layered on pavement layers of questionable quality.

After the occurrence of severe weather phenomena in September 2016, a large portion of the road network suffered serious damage, exhibiting fractures in the pavement (potholes) and intense alligator-like cracks. The executed works include the streets Kyriakou Oleni, Dragatsaniou, from Riga Feraiou to October 28th, Mystra, from October 28th to R. Feraiou, as well as the connector to Dragatsaniou Street. Patroklos, from Zakynthos to Sylaidopoulos, Tasi Kazazi (formerly Achilleos) from Patras to Patroklos, Perikleous, from Kolokotroni to Fokionos, Charilaou Trikoupi, from Koroivos to Karaiskaki, Stefanopoulou, from Platonos to Agios Georgios, Kilkis and Agios Georgios, from the Gortynia junction to L. Katsoni, Kapetan Yiorgi, from Germanou to Meg. Alexandrou, Megalou Alexandrou or Mertilou behind the library, Fokionos – Korai. From R. Feraiou to Mathiou, Giannitson (source junction), Giannitson Junction and Sakellarioy, Road to DEYAP Warehouse.

For all the above roads, except for the road to the DEYAP warehouses, where the damaged asphalt pavement is restored, the following works were completed: milling of the asphalt pavement (milling) to a depth of up to 8 cm, laying of asphalt tack coat, laying of variable thickness asphalt layer, laying of a compacted traffic asphalt layer with the use of common asphalt. The project also included the elevation of the OKO manholes to the level of the new pavement. The road leading to the DEYAP warehouses had suffered damage to its infrastructure, and therefore, the restoration methodology is different. Additionally, reconstruction works were carried out on the remaining road pavement, pavement restoration with variable thickness base material where required, asphalt prime coat, subgrade layering, and final stabilized layering with a thickness of 5 cm.

On a road leading to the rural area of ​​Salmoni and connecting the community of Salmoni with Kato Strefi, there is a technical overhead passage over a ditch for collecting stormwater, which has suffered a collapse both in its protective structures and in its core. The technical structure no longer served the passage of vehicles over the ditch, as a section of the wing walls and the core collapsed. It became non-functional, and vehicle traffic was prohibited due to the danger of total collapse. In its place, a new box-like culvert was constructed, made of reinforced concrete with dimensions of 2.0m x 2.0m and a length L=9m, to ensure a safe passage of the flood flow of the ditch. Additionally, suitable wing walls were constructed for the anti-corrosion protection of the upper and lower parts of the culvert.

In the severed section of the local road within the community of Skourochorio, there was an existing stormwater drainage network into a natural receptor that had been blocked and non-functional. As a result, incoming stormwaters sought surface outlets, causing damage to existing infrastructure and posing a risk to the integrity of adjacent properties. The central road where the problem occurred could not be closed off due to partial and local subsidence in the trace of the conduit, which was addressed with temporary measures. The culvert with a diameter of Φ700 was replaced with cement pipe elements, each 1m long with a strength class of 120, and a diameter of Φ800. These were then encased in concrete. Additionally, a drainage channel was constructed to serve as an access point for inspection and cleaning to prevent future blockages. Furthermore, protective measures were implemented at the outlet for the safe and controlled discharge of stormwaters into the natural receptor.

The restoration of the two culverts (Salmonis and Skourochorio) ensures controlled water flow, restores road communication, and eliminates any risk of accidents. To facilitate uninterrupted construction, provisions were made for diverting the water discharged through these structures by constructing a temporary earthen dam and operating a pump. After completing the construction, the earthen dam was removed, and the excavated soil was relocated to designated areas specified by the Supervising Authority. Restoration work on infrastructure was carried out throughout the communities of the Olenis Municipal Unit to ensure accessibility on the rural road network. The restoration aimed to provide access for local community residents to their farms, which had become challenging or impossible after extreme weather events, with evident consequences for both the social fabric and the local economy.

Τhe completed works included earthmoving tasks such as the removal of collapses, excavation, cleaning, and shaping of trenches, drains, embankments, etc. Technical projects involved the restoration of culverts that had been blocked and rendered non-functional, reconstruction of curbstones, restoration of retaining walls that had fractures, repairs to rigid and flexible pavements (roadbeds) that suffered damage, protection of road edges with wire boxes, and more. Additionally, road pavement works were carried out, involving the rehabilitation of road infrastructure with either flexible or rigid road surfaces. Signage and safety works were also performed, including the installation of signs indicating dangerous spots and regulatory signs for road markings, as well as road surface markings.

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